Tap2Tag Subscriptions and its benefits
Is it worth subscribing to Tap2Tag Medical Alert?
Time...perhaps the most valuable commodity we have. And when it comes to a medical emergency, the ability to let your next of kin know that you are in trouble could be significantly important.
With a Tap2Tag Medical subscription on your profile you can send alerts to your emergency contacts automatically when a first responder accesses your full medical profile. They will get a text and email alerting them that your medical profile has been accessed and, subject to the first responders consent, also show the exact location where the profile was tapped. They will know at the earliest moment when something is wrong.
It gets better. First responders can also send your emergency contacts a message to tell them what is happening and where they are taking you. Vitally important if you are worried about your relative and want to know what is happening.
And finally you can also include documents within your medical profile. Those letters from your doctor or a copy of your care plan or hospital passport. And what about your birth plan? Carrying that folder around with you everywhere could be much better if you carried it on your wrist!
All of this for just £20.00 per year. Of course you can use the Tap2Tag Medical Alert system completely free of charge. Update your information as much as you like and benefit from the most secure and best medical alert system in the world. But for a small annual fee you could benefit from so much more, giving you and your relatives the peace of mind they need.
A quick summary of how you can benefit from a Tap2Tag subscription.
Instant SMS / E-mail alerts when medical data is fully accessed
Ability for first responders to contact all emergency contacts with important information
Document uploads (Including doctor notes, copy of care plan or hospital passport)
Only £20 per annum (Less than the price of a cup of coffee per month)
1. Log in to your account at www.tap2tag.me
2. Click on Profiles on the dashboard and select the medical profile you want to upgrade.
3. Click on the 3 dots in the top right and select Edit
4. If the profile is not part of a subscription it will prompt you by asking if you want to add a subscription. The just follow the screens.
You will have immediate access to these new facilities within your account.